J880 Africa Community Transformation Program

Africa, Uganda

The Situation

Africa, with a population of 1.5 billion and an annual growth rate of 2.3%, is expected to have a population of 2.5 billion by 2050. The economic growth rate for Sub-Sahara Africa is expected to stabilise at 4% in 2024-2025 according to the African Development Bank, and a growing middle-class population is emerging. Despite these positive signs, significant problems still exist with food security (reinforced by rapid demographic growth), a lack of advanced agricultural technology, minimal government regulations, weak distribution channels and the fragmentation of agricultural lands.

The Objectives

The Africa Community Transformation program empowers local leaders to drive sustainable change and combat chronic poverty, creating a resilient and self-sufficient future for their communities through the following key objectives:

a) Personal Development – Each leader develops and adheres to their own personal development plan so that they continue to increase their physical, mental and emotional capacity to assist their own family as well as their community.

b)      Community Development - Each leader identifies barriers to development in their community as well as their root causes and successfully develops and implements a targeted plan to address at least one of these barriers.

c)      Business Development – Each leader develops a business plan and budget, is eligible for a business loan and initiates the business to both support his/her family, be an example of good business practice and success, and where practical invest back into the community financially.
