A myriad of political and human rights challenges persist in Cambodia after the upheaval experienced during the Khm...
:Poverty rates in Madhesh Province are 50%, making it one of the regions with the highest poverty rates in Nepal. This proje...
During the last 20 years, Cambodia has undergone a significant transition as it has reached lower middle-income s...
The Assisting Children to School (ACTS) project plays a strategic role in Asian Outreach Cambodia’s (AOC) overarc...
Medical Van Project: Bringing Healthcare to EveryoneThe Medical Van Project is designed to provide free medical services t...
Education is key to lifting people out of poverty. It provides employment opportunities and empowers children to be i...
: In 2019, the National Human Rights Commission estimated that 1.5 million Nepalis are vulnerable to human ...
The region of the northern Middle East (including Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Cyprus) has bee...
Bangladesh has a population of just under 175,000,000 and is one of the most densely populous countries in the world.There are 5,000,000 wid...
Aagamya Foundation
With your support, we can create life-altering opportunities for children. Every child deserves the chance t...
In many slums and villages, a signif...
The education system in Mozambique faces significant challenges, including a lack of resources (buildings, furnit...
This social service organization was founded in 1996 by Dr Pauline P...