J1236N RUHU Secondary School

Uganda, Africa


With one of the youngest populations in the world, Uganda's young people represent an enormous opportunity and challenge for the country. The challenges are compounded by low secondary education which make young people particularly vulnerable. According to the Ministry of Health, 25 per cent of Ugandan teenagers become pregnant by the age of 19. Close to half are married before their 18th birthday and continue having babies into their mid-40s. Access to a quality education is too often cost prohibitive.


The RUHU Secondary School is a direct response to the needs of the community to provide a quality education, a safe and secure environment for young people and practical training to promote employability.

The secondary school offers a quality education to the community for students who cannot afford or do not have access to another school as well as for the students under the care of the broader RUHU organisation. For these young people, a secondary education offers a safe and supportive environment where they are able to learn and are safe from the risks that threaten so many young people in Uganda. Further, a secondary education provides a meaningful improvement to the students employability as they continue on a path to university or an institute degree while others may pursue vocational training. Our hope and expectation is that all students will leave the school with greater ability, confidence, and hope for the future.
