A Beacon of Hope and Empowerment for Women in Uganda

Forced to leave school in grade three because her parents could not afford her school fees, Betty found herself in the quarry breaking stone for 2,000 Ugandan shillings a day (AUD 80 cents). Trapped in a cycle of alcohol abuse and violence, her marriage broke down, leaving the young mother deeply scarred.

The story of single mothers in Uganda is one of resilience and perseverance in the face of immense challenges. For many, domestic violence is an all-too-common reality. The partnership between Global Development Group and Wajoli Foundation for project J967N, is providing life-transforming opportunities.

One of the primary programs is Wajoli House Women’s Empowerment Centre, a sanctuary, and a beacon of hope for single mothers and their children, opened in December 2022. The goal is to enable women with the skills required for income earning, so they can build a prosperous future for themselves and their children. In 2022, 16 student mothers enrolled in the program where they received counselling and training in literacy, numeracy, business studies, and skill-building.

Betty joined the Wajoli House program and began receiving trauma counselling. She is now studying hair dressing and her children are attending Wajoli Kindergarten and Primary School. She confidently says, “The knowledge I get from this program is preparing me to help my children better by providing for them... I can now get five thousand shillings or more by washing and drying someone’s hair. I feel very confident now because of the experience I am getting at Wajoli House. I am empowered to take care of myself and my children, even now before I finish the program. Imagine what I can do when I am done! God bless everyone who is supporting me. I am so grateful.”

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