J1051N Pangje Snow Leopard Conservation Project

Nepal, Indian Subcontinent

The Situation

Nepal’s mountainous environment is not only crucial to the livelihoods of millions of people across Nepal, but also impacts populations throughout Asia. The snow and ice of Nepal’s Himalaya Mountains help supply fresh water for over 20% of the world’s human population, and are home to approximately 10% of the world’s remaining wild snow leopard population today.

The protection of Nepal’s environment and snow leopard population is the primary objective of this project, will produce a flow on effect to the many people living in the region also. Snow leopards are apex predators in the Himalaya Mountains, and as such, when they are protected, the entire ecosystem benefits in a trickle down manner. The project is dedicated to the advancement of snow leopard conservation initiatives that simultaneously help local communities and the greater Himalaya environment. The education of and partnership with local schools and communities foundational to this project.

The Objectives

  1. To contribute to the protection of Nepalese environment and snow leopards, whilst supporting the growth of living standards for local people.
  2. To teach local children and communities about the environment, conservation, snow leopards and culture. The project’s Stewards program runs classroom lessons and extended in-field camps, teaching school children, teachers, livestock owners and park rangers the best practices for sustainable conservation and ecosystem stewardship. 

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