J1092N Thrive Uganda

Uganda, Africa

The Situation

Uganda has a population over 49 million people with almost half being under the age of 15! There are huge challenges facing the nation in areas of education, health, and employment.

Education Costs

The Ugandan economy has been severely impacted by the prolonged covid restrictions. Cash is in short supply for many already impoverished families. Finding sufficient funds for student fees has not been possible for many. Building upon the child sponsorship program will give more students continuity at an already greatly disrupted year of schooling and provide much needed cash flow to the school given so many students are unable to pay fees. It also helps students with relationships, esteem and motivation while creating cross cultural learning opportunities.

 Infrastructure & Resources

The ongoing development of school buildings, and infrastructure will ensure the long-term viability of the school into the future.


·        Consistent nutrition via a balanced and varied diet with particular attention to protein is a nation-wide challenge in Uganda among children.

·        Clean water, good hygiene, and safe spaces for accommodation and recreation eliminate many of the preventable diseases in Uganda.

·        Access to first aid and basic medicine is also a need as many see hospitals either too far away or too expensive and so first aid treatment is either delayed or avoided.

 Professional Development

Ongoing training and resourcing for staff, community leaders and volunteers is needed in the areas of leadership, team building, conflict resolution etc, for sustainable organisational culture and developing next generation leaders. 

The Objectives

Thrive Uganda exists to improve the welfare of children through:

·        Education: Improving facilities, Teacher resources and student/teacher sponsorships.

·        Health: Improved nutrition, sanitation, access to clean water and medical care.

·        Poverty Reduction: Agriculture, Small Business Development & Trainee scholarships

·        Emergency Relief and Humanitarian aid: Food parcels and Crisis Relief
