J735N 'Forever Projects’; Nutrition, Empowerment and Independence
Tanzania, Africa
In partnership with Forever Angels; Maisha Matters and Forever Projects

The Situation
J735N ‘Forever Projects’; Nutrition, Empowerment and Independence’ in Mwanza, Tanzania’s second largest city, works with Forever Angels Baby Home and other partners in neighbouring districts to support babies who have no lactating mother during their first year of life. The project initially addresses nutrition, and then family empowerment through micro business development to be able to achieve independence and self-sufficiency.
Many babies in the Rural Tanzania are in danger of malnutrition, illness and death and would normally be placed in an orphanage. This project enables these babies to stay with their families in their own communities whilst receiving essential medical and nutritional support and education as well as formula milk. Caregivers or parents of the babies gather on a weekly basis in support groups and are educated about childcare, basic first aid and nutritional needs of the children. Additionally, these visits are used to monitor the baby’s weight as well as their growth and development.
The baby’s family is also supported to set up a small business to meet the nutritional needs of the baby (and whole family) once the baby is weaned from formula milk. The family receives training from project staff in business skills – marketing, budgeting, financial management and building a customer base. This proven method empowers the entire family to grow and succeed, assisting the family to become self-sufficient.
An established family business providing regular income that can provide for the whole family now and in the future.
The Objective
- This project seeks to address issues of malnourishment of new born babies and assist families to increase their income, improve their health and have a better quality of life
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