Violence against women and girls is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world. Gender-based violence (GBV) undermines the hea...
“I always wanted to stay with my mother. I love her so much. I don’t want to go anywhere else, no matter what they may give me.” - Ritika, 7 y...
Water is taken for granted until it’s not there. Without a clean water source and sanitation facilities, families’ resources will be depleted by o...
In the wake of the devastating earthquakes that struck along the border between Turkey and Syriakilling thousands and wounding many more, ou...
Irene Gleeson Foundation (IGF) partner for Global Development Group project J747 in northern Uganda was established in 1991 to su...
For girls like Esther, education isn’t just important for a brighter future, it’s critical to their survival. Yet, it’s estimated that 11 million ...
Global Development Group is proud to announce that our Ukraine Appeal, in partnership with the World Food Programme has surpassed AUD$2 mi...
People-centred development often requires long-term thinking, and many...
We're proud to share this fantastic story from project J1057N in Bhutan, in partnership with the Himalayan Higher Edu...
Global Development Group and Irene Gleeson Foundation (IGF) marked 15 years of partnership in 2021, while In-Country Project Manager John-Paul Kif...
In mid-December 2021 Typhoon Rai (Odette) struck the Philippines. The Typhoon was a Category 5 andbought heavy rainfall and strong winds tha...
During the devastating second wave of COVID-19 that whipped through India in May, Project J1116NR ‘Medical Oxygen for All’ raised emergency funds ...
Our in-country partners, time after time, show us their resilience and their ability to help others build better lives by implementing innovative ...
Tara is an inspirational mother and the responsible head of her household. While facing the daily challenges of living with poverty in Nep...
In the countries where we work and across the globe, human trafficking continues to impact the poor disproportionately. Vulnerable children, youth...