The New Life India project is a multi-faceted development project which aims to provide jobs for the underprivile...
The Kathputhli slum, population approx 13000, is situated in the central area of Jaipur (pop = 6-7 million), the capital cit...
It’s estimated that 20,000 children and young women will become victims of Human Trafficking this year in Nepal. Our partner...
Project J782N Les Pecheurs Development Projects in Madagascar comprises of the Micro Enterprise Training Project and the And...
“Botanica Ethiopia: A Living Pharmacy” is a “Home Herbal Garden” (HHG) community development project in Fiche, Ethiopia. The...
Sovanapoom Care commenced working in Cambodia in 1997, and has partnered with GDG since 2005. Early projects (J22 and J522) ...
The northern part of Cambodia, around Siem Reap has long been a center for raising of ...
The Andong Community was formed in 2006 when the Cambodian Government forcibly removed the families from the Riverside Distr...
TheGrowing Hope initiative (J949)with our partnerProject Justice International&n...
The cybersex industry is a billion-dollar business worldwide. And it is expanding in developing countries such as...
J735N ‘Forever Projects’; Nutrition, Empowerment and Independence’ in Mwanza, Tanzania’s second largest city, works with For...
Liberia remains one of the poorest countries in the world, with over half of its population living below the poverty l...
HEAL Africa Hospital is the major tertiary referral hospital for North Kivu Province. However, HEAL Africa has a long histor...
Bangladesh has a population of just under 175,000,000 and is one of the most densely populous countries in the world.There are 5,000,000 wid...