J993N Bridge of Hope Indonesia

Indonesia, Southeast Asia

The Situation

Bridge of Hope (BoH) was established in 2003 when people fled from social unrest to settle in Manado, in Northern Sulawesi. Responding to need, BoH was set up by Australians to help these people out of poverty by making micro-loans so they could establish small businesses, bringing independence and dignity, regardless of religion or race. People were able to settle, eat and clothe themselves, and educate their children.

It was obvious many others in the area were also in dire circumstances, and branches of BoH were opened in Manado, Bitung and Tobelo. During the last 17 years, BoH has helped over 15,000 individuals (mostly women) or about 50,000 indirectly, with a hand up out of poverty. BoH now facilitates groups in self-determination, cooperative help in groups of about 12, and teaches how to save for unforeseen calamities.

The Objective

The Major objective of this project is to contribute to poverty reduction and to empower families and individuals through savings and loan groups in North Sulawesi. Through Savings & Loan groups, they can be more independent by maximizing their savings to meet various needs and even create business capital so that they are not completely dependent on loan sharks. Additionally, partners who are members of large groups that we call Cooperatives can empower each other's savings potential and the profits they earn are used for the welfare of all members.

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