Madhipura Christian Hospital is situated in the interior of North Bihar and 5 of its surrounding districts. Healthcare facil...
This project addresses the challenges faced by vulnerable children and women in Uganda and South Sudan. Many chil...
Maranatha Health believes all people everywhere deserve to be healthy, and to be able to access high quality, aff...
The Modern Vocational Training Program is an education-focused development project between Global Development Gro...
J791N Kidsreach Development Project seeks to combat many issues that have arisen in Sri Lanka; specifically those...
Lifewater is a faith-based community health and clean water organization working to bring clean water, improved sanitation, ...
Every 2 minutes a child dies of Malaria, a treatable and preventable disease. Our project aims to reduce Malaria rates in ch...
Over a billion people in the world don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water and over two billion don’t have any form ...
The Rural Schools Education Project in Cambodia seeks to combat poor facilities surrounding the current schooling system in ...
J674N KEP Gardens Community Project seeks to improve the Kep Gardens community in Cambodia in the areas of, health care serv...
Empowering Cambodia is a registered FNGO with a heart to equip, empower, and enrich the lives of the people it engages with ...
The project is working in partnership with remote rural communities living adjacent to the fragile habitats of National Park...
The Noble Endeavours Community Development project is a multi-faceted development project aimed at improving the ...
Transforming Dumpsite Communities in partnership with Poverty No More targets poor and disadvantaged communities ...
8 million Ugandans don’t have access to clean and safe water. The situation is made worse in com...