The Situation

Over a billion people in the world don’t have access to safe, clean drinking water and over two billion don’t have any form of a toilet. Sub Saharan Africa is hit particularly hard because of the lack of rainfall.

BeyondWater alleviates poverty through the provision of safe, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. Our focus countries are Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan and the DRC. We partner with schools, orphanages, medical clinics and remote communities. We ensure that they have deep bore wells, guttering, water tanks, hand washing programs and that girls get sanitary products.

A good portion of schools do not have basic toilets (latrines) across East Africa. The number one reason girls don’t go onto secondary school is that they don’t have access to girl toilets. BeyondWater wants to make sure that every school has a set of latrines. However, it is important that they also have a hand washing station and learn how to make liquid soap. Having a holistic approach to a sanitation program is the key to success. The Girl Project falls under the arm of our sanitation projects. We ensure girls stay in school by supplying them with sanitary products but also giving mentoring, leadership and life skills. We have groups across Kenya and Uganda, and will expand as funds come in. Keeping a girl in school is imperative to the growth of a community.

Our education teams go into schools to teach on the importance of handwashing and also how they can tackle poverty caused by a lack of water. We communicate through drama, music, art and games. If we can educate a young child and create good habits, they are more likely to take these throughout their entire life.

Water truly does change everything!

The Objectives

  1. To increase the number of schools with toilets across East Africa by building ten toilet blocks per year which includes water tanks, guttering, hand washing facilities and educational programs.
  2. To provide girls across East Africa with sanitary products, leadership and mentoring.
  3. To provide water collections capabilities across East Africa.
