J1200N Hope For Kabarasi

Kenya, Africa

The Situation

The Hope For Kabarasi Project seeks to uplift the Kabarasi sub-tribe of the Luyha people group of Western Kenya, by providing sustainable solutions to poverty - financial, motivational and relational. These solutions are necessary to address some deep-seated issues that have existed for generations, and that have led to the current impoverished state of the Kabarasi people.

The centre of the Kabarasi population is in Kakamega County, and this is where the Hope for Kabarasi project is located.  Kenya already has a very low HDI (Human Development Index) of 152, which places it in the lower 22% of nations in terms of development across every sphere of society. Our project is in an area that is remote and rural. This further exacerbates the issues that Kenya faces as a nation, and makes our target people group amongst the poorest in Kenya.

Some of the critical challenges facing this particular people group are : lack of educational facilities; youth crime; lack of opportunities for women; poor land use patterns that further exacerbate poverty; and a lack of access to clean, safe water. Our project seeks to address all of these challenges, one person, one family, and one community at a time.

 The Objectives

1.     Provide strong educational foundations for a community that lacks quality educational facilities, while at the same time providing employment for head and assistant teachers and cooks.

2.     Provide guidance for healthy family growth, through practical example, and the teaching of relationship skills and practical skills such as budgeting.

3.     Teach youth to value themselves, others, and the wider community, through community sports programmes.

4.     Empower women and their families to achieve self-sustainability through the teaching of sewing and a wide range of agricultural skills, and the provision of basics items to establish their own enterprises.

5.     Provide safe, clean water for the community.
