J1096N Project Help India

India, Indian Subcontinent

The Situation

The communities that Project Help works within are very poor slum areas. The majority of people within these communities are unskilled, illiterate, highly superstitious and have minimal education. They are impacted by the vicious cycle of poverty. Most men work as daily wage labourers, work in abattoirs and clean animal hides, auto-rick drivers, or they are reg pickers recruiting all family members to fossick for waste plastic. Many women work in the home only or they are domestic workers or door to door sellers.

The children we work with, are the first generation to receive a basic education. Most would otherwise never attend a school, or receive any education. Instead, they would ‘reg pick’ spending their day collecting plastic waste for recycling, begging or forced child labour. These children are still very vulnerable, especially to abuse, religious sacrifices, exploitation and sex trafficking. Attending our centres allows them to be cared for, watched and fed. Learning some basic skills gives them some foundations and confidence for moving to a proper government or private school.

The Objectives

  1. To improve the accessibility to education for children, young women, young people and young people with disabilities
  2. To improve the safety and wellbeing of women through awareness programs and women’s conferences
  3. Provide education, health and human rights services to people in urban, rural and jungle areas of Northern India.
  4. Operate women’s empowerment programs focussing on women’s rights, developing business skills, technology training, health, hygiene and sex education.
  5. Deliver drug and human trafficking awareness and intervention programs in partnership with local police

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