J1204N NE India Literacy Program

India, Indian Subcontinent

The Situation

In many slums and villages, a significant number of adults are illiterate, unable to read and write. Many children have also dropped out of school, adding to the illiteracy problem. The lack of education and literacy in East India is a major concern, as it hampers the progress of these communities.

One of the primary reasons for high dropout rates is a lack of interest in education, often due to poor quality schooling. Additionally, poverty and limited resources force many children to leave school and work to support their families, further exacerbating the issue.

The 'NE India Literacy Program' in East India expands educational opportunities for children and adults who have dropped out of formal education, surpassed the age of formal schooling, and now seek to learn. This initiative shifts the focus of adult education to basic literacy, transforming it into a central aspect of their lives.

This project targets the eastern part of India, with special emphasis on tribal and underprivileged communities in West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Sikkim, and Assam.


 The Objectives

  1. To enable 1,500 illiterate children and adults in East India to become literate within one year.
  2. To lift 4,500 people out of extreme poverty within three years by ensuring all children complete school with basic reading skills, thereby reducing absolute poverty by 30% through improved education.
  3. To provide free preparation for illiterate adults and children, helping them gain admission to quality schools for high-quality education.
  4. To support students who have dropped out in continuing their education and enrolling in mainstream schools.
  5. To empower illiterate adults with functional skills and literacy, enhancing their awareness of health, hygiene, and childcare practices, and fostering positive attitudinal changes in their lives.
