J1226N Friends of Kulen
Cambodia, Southeast Asia
In partnership with Kulen Outreach Schools and Friends of Kulen

The Situation
Kulen Outreach began a decade ago with a pretty modest goal: rebuild an abandoned primary school in one of the poorest villages in one of the most challenged countries in the world.
Our aim was to give a basic education to kids who were probably never going to see a teacher or a classroom, unless we made it happen. So we rebuilt a school with internet access and provided English language teachers, then served them a hearty lunch so they could concentrate in school.
From that point on, those kids made everything happen.
The Objective
Their rapid academic success demanded we look at high school options. There were none nearby, so we built a small boarding school in the nearest city, Siem Reap. Our first 13 high school-aged kids could attend the government high school in the morning and then receive extra classes in English, math and science back at our boarding school in the afternoon.
The following year, more mountain kids were interested in coming to the city and finishing high school, so we built a boarding school campus for 50 kids.
Within two years we had to double it to 100 beds.
Our Siem Reap boarding school now produces a stream of successful graduates entering
universities to study medicine, IT, teaching, nursing and government service.
Yes, we helped them build wings but they have flown themselves to the moon.
To equal their commitment, we have now guaranteed all of our successful high school graduates full scholarships to support them throughout their tertiary education.
What began as a shack on a mountain is now a fully supported pathway from kindergarten to a college degree.
They so deserve the wonderful life they are creating for themselves, their families and their country.
Please consider a donation to help them continue their extraordinary achievements.
Please enjoy this quick video explaining how far these kids have come…with a little help from people like you.