J1171N Hotel School Sunset Inn Timor

Timor-Leste, Southeast Asia

The Situation

Violence against women and girls in Timor-Leste is widespread and is one of the biggest challenges that this young nation faces. A total of 59% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 who have been in a relationship have suffered from physical or sexual violence from a male intimate partner. Domestic violence against women is often frequent and severe.

Social acceptance and tolerance of gender-based violence is high in Timor-Leste. 

Despite the political gains, however, life for many - and especially that of women and girls - is both disadvantaged and precarious. Raised for the most part to be obedient and have little to no voice in terms of their own future and rights, Timorese girls are quite often subjugated in general by society at all levels and not least in terms of their sexual and reproductive health.

With just 20 per cent of all women in Timor-Leste participating in the workforce, the situation can only be described as critical, and the numbers of teenage pregnancy and early marriage will only increase.


The Objectives

To promote capacity-building and personal, educational, social and economic development for vulnerable girls and young women living in underdeveloped communities in Timor-Leste, in order to strengthen their autonomy, raise their leadership and increase their employability.

PRO-EMA aims to keep girls and young women in education by creating an enabling environment, to empower them with relevant knowledge and skills, to ensure they are healthy and make informed decisions about their life, to support them to make successful and healthy transitions into adulthood and the labour market, and to fully participate in society. 

Through professional training and follow-up of a coaching, the beneficiaries will have access to professional technical courses, which will include theoretical and practical classes. Giving them tools and developing skills to work in the labor market. The purpose of the personal coaching/mentoring is to prepare these adolescents for normal and independent living, after leaving the program.

 These efforts will help to increase the number of financially independent women in Timor-Leste. 


  • To promote access and opportunity for vulnerable young women and girls and build their skills and confidence to achieve their potential and have more influence over decisions that affect their lives.
  • To establish a model for providing individualized, socially responsive and quality educational alternatives for out of school adolescents integrated with appropriate information and services in health.
  • To support adolescents who are survivors of sexual abuse in their process of reintegration into the family and community, offering them the opportunity to study and have a professional education.
