J974N Fasai Home (Clear Skies House)

Thailand, Southeast Asia

The Situation

Tribal Lahu children living in poverty in rural and remote areas of Northern Thailand are a disadvantaged people group who are at significant risk of physical and emotional abuse and human trafficking. Historically there has been a lack of educational opportunities and the provision of appropriate life skills training. Culturally, children are not attributed great value and in many instances a mother places greater emphasis on a subsequent relationship with a new partner rather than protecting her child/children from abuse.

Factors leading to abuse include alcohol addiction, drug addiction, gambling and domestic violence. The high level of unemployment and consequential poverty further exacerbate the risk of abuse to tribal children. Children who are orphans or who for various reasons are unable to live with a parent or other close relative/carer are at significant risk of exploitation.

The Objectives

  1. At risk Lahu children safely and permanently reintegrated with their family
  2. Lahu children protected from harm in crisis/at risk situations

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