J377 Effective Aid’s Refugee and Vulnerable People Program

Thailand, Southeast Asia

The Situation

The World Health Organisation reports that over one million people have been internally displaced along the eastern border of Myanmar. There have been up to 120,000 displaced people in Thai UNHCR-run refugee camps in recent years, and up to one million migrants in total. Many of these migrants have not been registered, leaving them disadvantaged and unable to access national services. Lack of access to health services, education, adequate food or income, protection, development and participation has been a serious concern.

Effective Aid has been working with communities in the Refugee Camps on the Thai/Myanmar border and northern Thailand since 2008. Stages 1 and 2 of the project work have focused on education and teacher development.

Resettlement of some refugees back to Myanmar has commenced and this Stage 3 will continue to develop education capacity inside Myanmar as the villages re-establish. 

The Objectives

Improve opportunities for vulnerable and displaced minority groups in villages in Myanmar bordering the Thai border by:

  1. Improving access, availability and quality of education in targeted communities
  2. Addressing poverty in vulnerable and minority peoples from displaced communities
  3. Further develop initiatives to develop long-term project sustainability. 

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