J1009N Reach Kids Lanka
Sri Lanka, Indian Subcontinent
In partnership with Community Concern and Step 1 International

The Situation
There is a need to provide children from poor & disadvantaged backgrounds with opportunities to learn English, and other critical leadership and life skills, through a holistic approach in equipping them for success in adult life.
The direct beneficiaries come from a disempowered position, having remained in a cycle of poverty for generations, impacting physical, mental and emotional well-being. Consequently, many remain in residential care. This systemic disempowerment leads to a self-perpetuating loss of hope and sense of future in these children.
The Objectives
- Establish learning environments for disadvantaged children from poor communities by providing education and training, thereby alleviating the effects of poverty. In doing so, attempting to empower beneficiaries to develop a strong sense of ownership and responsibility in the community where the children (direct beneficiaries) recognize they can have big dreams for their future and that they have the tools and means to pursue it.