J1182N Great Beginnings South Africa

South Africa, Africa

Fostering resilient new families

The Situation

Research around the world shows the first 1000 days of life (conception to 2 years of age), determines the long-term outcome for the infant.

Approximately 2749 babies are born each day in South Africa into an environment where:

Half the population live in poverty. Violence permeates everywhere with murder and rape rates amongst the highest in the world. Diseases such as HIV AIDS and TB flourish. The potential of children is throttled: 27% of children are “stunted” and one in ten Grade One learners is diagnosed with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder. 688 nine and ten-year-olds’ gave birth in 2020. Families are crumbling under these burdens of social dysfunction and disease.

In 2016, Ros, a South African born midwife returned to South Africa to research and understand the local context, particularly in regard to father absence and it’s effect on families. In response to input from local community/faith-based leaders and consultation with government health, education and social development professionals, in 2018 Great Beginnings Africa (GBA) a Non-Profit-Organisation was established. Training of Educators in an evidence-based couples communication program commenced. A grass roots Teenage Pregnancy Prevention program as an intervention to reduce GBVF has been successfully piloted in primary and secondary schools since 2020.



1.     Raise the youths above the hopelessness: support them in identifying their gifts and talents and set goals to develop these

2.     Develop their emotional intelligence so youths self-regulate to reach their goals

3.     Reduce/eliminate violence in interpersonal relationships and promote gender equality by equipping youths with evidence-based good communication skills

4.     Empower girls to exercise their bodily autonomy

5.     Encourage boys to be sexually responsible and prepare them to play a positive role in the lives of their future offspring

6.     Equip youths with knowledge of optimum care of infants and pregnant women 

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