J807NWP WFP Malawi Emergency Relief

Malawi, Africa

[Photo Credit: WFP/Badre Bahaji]

In co-operation with our long term partner World Food Programme (WFP), Global Development Group is supporting relief work (J807NWP) to help provide food security to beneficiaries in Malawi.

Malawi is a small landlocked country in Sub-Saharan Africa with a population expanding rapidly at 3 percent per year. With most livelihoods dependent on rainfed agriculture, the population is highly vulnerable to the effects of natural disasters, especially dry spells and floods.

Malawi’s challenges are compounded by weak economic growth, high overall debt distress, low primary school completion (51 percent), a high prevalence of stunting and high prevalence of HIV/AIDS infection (9.6 percent). WFP supports the Government for a food and nutrition secure and resilient future, guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). WFP has been present in Malawi since 1965.

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