J807NM WFP Madagascar Emergency Relief

Madagascar, Africa

[Photo Credit: WFP/Tsiory Andriantsoarana]

In co-operation with our long term partner World Food Programme (WFP), Global Development Group is supporting relief work (J807NM) to help provide food security to beneficiaries in Madagascar. 

Madagascar is among the ten countries most vulnerable to disasters and is considered to be the most cyclone-exposed country in Africa. A quarter of the population lives in areas highly prone to cyclones, floods or drought. Climate change and environmental degradation exacerbate these risks while the increasing fragility of the ecosystem intensifies vulnerability to shocks and food insecurity. In 2022, several tropical cyclones hit Madagascar, claiming scores of lives, destroying houses and essential infrastructure, displacing people and inundating croplands just weeks away from harvest. Those storms are threatening the food security of the populations and bringing a risk of inflation of food staples.

In Madagascar, the World Food Programme (WFP) addresses the immediate food needs of disaster-affected vulnerable populations through unconditional food assistance. WFP also strengthens communities’ resilience through conditional assistance, distributing food for community assets creation or rehabilitation and supporting the access of smallholder farmers to markets. They provide nutritional support to children, pregnant women and girls and nursing mothers for the prevention of acute malnutrition, while also supporting the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition and improving educational outcomes by ensuring child have access to nutritious food through its school meals programme.

To ensure the sustainability of its interventions, WFP strengthens the capacities of the Government of Madagascar through the provision of material and technical assistance and joint assessments and evaluations in the areas of food security and nutrition as well as Disaster Risk Reduction. The work is concentrated in the disaster-affected southern, south-western and south-eastern regions.


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