J807NP WFP Pakistan Emergency Relief

Pakistan, Indian Subcontinent

[Photo Credit: WFP/Balach Jamali]

In co-operation with our long term partner World Food Programme (WFP), Global Development Group is supporting relief work (J807NP) to help provide food security to beneficiaries in Pakistan. 

Over the years, Pakistan has become a food surplus country and a major producer of wheat which it distributes to needy populations through various mechanisms, including the World Food Programme (WFP).  

However, the national nutrition survey 2018 showed that 36.9 percent of the population faces food insecurity. Primarily, this is due to limited economic access by the poorest and most vulnerable group of the population – particularly women – to an adequate and diverse diet. The survey also showed the second highest rate of malnutrition in the region with 18 percent of children under 5 suffer from acute malnutrition, around 40 percent of the children in the same age group are stunted and 29 percent are underweight. 

WFP has been a trusted and reliable partner to the Government of Pakistan, with a presence in the country since 1968. WFP Pakistan’s Country Strategic Plan (CSP) 2018-2022 supports Government relief efforts through the provision of critically needed relief and nutrition support to vulnerable population groups. All WFP activities in Pakistan ultimately aim to complement the Government’s efforts to enhance food and nutrition security. WFP interventions also extend to strengthening community resilience, disaster risk management, sustainability and national ownership.


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