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J050N - Current Greatest Need
J1000N - Captivating Nepal - Stop Trafficking/Empower Women
J1001N - Music Education for disadvantaged children
J1003N - Elevations Laos
J1004N - Maranatha Health: Building the Future
J1006N - Transforming Dumpsite Communities
J1007N - Tujatane Livelihood Training
J1009N - Reach Kids Lanka
J1012N - Geraldine Roche Drama
J1018N - Kidsreach Working with Children in Crisis in Indonesia
J1019N - Pakistan Community Transformation
J1020N - Matebeleland Community Development
J1022N - Soft Foot Alliance - Income Initiatives in Mabale and Dete
J1023 - Positive Peace Project
J1026N - KHC Vocational Training Centre
J1027N - MLH Development Project
J1028N - Missionvale - Education, Health, Hope
J1033N - Recruitment and Training of Disadvantaged Youth in Cambodia
J1035 - Maize and Rice Value Chain Improvement Nazigo
J1036N - ACTS (Assisting Children to School)
J1039N - East African Entrepreneur Training (EAET)
J1040N - Bangladesh Empowering Women and Children Project
J1041N - The Freedom Keys Research Project
J1049N - Eco-frontiers, Ancient and Modern
J1051N - Pangje Snow Leopard Conservation Project
J1057N - Bhutan Higher Education Scholarships
J1063N - Bali AOC School
J1064N - ByGrace School Computer Classroom Project
J1065N - Rural Wash for Women Laos
J1068N - Opportunities for Development Through Art and Education (ODA), Cambodia
J1069N - Healthy Mothers and Babies- ACTS
J1070N - Let's Build a School
J1072N - Education Equals Opportunity
J1074N - Fresh Hope Agape Center
J1075N - Sunrise Cambodia
J1076N - Africa Crisis Relief
J1077N - Exodus 31 Tradies
J1079 - BSF Family Intervention Project
J1079T - BSF- Tim Daniel Personal Support
J1080N - One Tomorrow Charitable Foundation Global Giving
J1080Na - Living Water Myanmar
J1081N - Education for Underprivileged Children
J1084N - Healthy Futures Indonesia (Hohidiai)
J1085N - Newlife Cambodian Mission
J1085NE - New Life Emergency Relief
J1085NR - Newlife Tomnupdyke Trade Training Centre
J1085NS - Newlife Cambodian School Build
J1087N - Empowerment Means Confidence Fiji (Stage 2)
J1088N - SoleFamily Changing Lives in Bali
J1089N - Newlife Thailand Mission
J1091N - Hospitality Development Program
J1092N - Thrive Uganda
J1093N - DFN Dalit and Jogini Project
J1094N - Operation Aegis
J1095N - Building Children Zimbabwe
J1096N - Project Help India
J1097N - Grace for Uganda
J1098N - Bethel International Training College
J1100NR - HOHI Emergency Relief Project (General Account)
J1102 - CHFN-BSF Family Intervention Projects Nepal
J1103N - Jireh Uganda
J1104N - Enabling Whole Communities through Regenerative Actions
J1105N - Nets for Nights
J1105NL - Hope's Hill Lead Complex
J1107N - Phare, Empowering Youth Through Art Education
J1108 - Tomato Value Chain
J1109N - The Widows Cause Bangladesh
J1110 - SHINE Project
J1112N - Uganda Dairy Project
J1113N - Young People for Development in Timor-Leste
J1116NR - Medical Oxygen for All
J1117N - Cirebon Medical Centre and Education Project
J1120N - One Heart Community Development Project
J1121N - Empowering Indigenous Women Leaders in Forest Communities
J1122N - Breathe Life
J1123N - Building Hope Thailand
J1126N - Hope for Bardia
J1127N - Young Champions Fistula Clubs Kenya
J1128N - Marianne Foundation Empowerment Project
J1129NE - Lifewater for Ethiopia: Vision of a Healthy Village
J1131N - ESSTA Resource/Community Centre Building Project
J1132N - Schooling for Peace & Health DRC
J1133N - Healthy Homes Armenia
J1134N - Helping Hands for Timor-Leste
J1135N - Young Entrepreneurs Cambodia Project
J1136N - Young Adults Transition Project Bolivia
J1138N - Hope Mamuke Zambia
J1140N - Watume Education Programme
J1141N - Old Legs Tour Zimbabwe
J1142N - Newlife for Bosnia & Herzegovina Sports Program
J1143N - Medical Entitlements Literacy Assistance, India
J1145N - Uamsho Youth Training DRC
J1146N - Women’s Groups Tanzania
J1149N - With Women Project Cameroon
J1150N - No Girls Left Behind Nepal
J1151N - Sewing into Cambodia’s Future
J1155N - Streets to Schools to Skills Program
J1158N - Favor Foundation Community Development
J1159N - Capital On The Edge, Nicaragua
J1160N - Justice Water
J1162N - Education & Health for New Hope
J1163N - Empowering Souls Zambia
J1164N - Koru Camp Development Project
J1165N - Sharon Seva Development Projects
J1167N - LOKISA Water Project Lesotho
J1168N - Jodie O'Shea Childrens Fund
J1170N - Refugee-Led Empowerment & Support Indonesia
J1171N - Hotel School Sunset Inn Timor
J1174N - Home of Hope Liberia
J1177N - The Early Childhood Education Digital Library
J1178N - Nova Vida School Mozambique
J1178NC - Katrina Condesse Personal Support
J1179N - Bold Stories Uganda
J1181N - Muyambe Sport For Development Uganda
J1182N - Youth Relationship Education
J1183N - Integrated Farming System Capacity Building for Young Farmers
J1184N - Teacher Internship & Development Bursaries Project
J1186N - Sofala Piggery Project
J1187N - Innovation: Africa
J1189N - Home of Hope Zimbabwe
J1190N - Light of Hope
J1192N - STELLAR Kids Ukraine
J1193N - Tumi's Bright Futures Initiative
J1194N - Mercy for Kenya
J1195N - Living Wholeness Asia
J1197N - African Angels Independent School
J1198N - Auditorium Burkina Faso
J1200N - Hope For Kabarasi
J1201N - Kikori District Health & Education Project
J1202N - Balibo WASH Project
J1204N - NE India Literacy Program
J1205N - Making a Difference Rwanda
J1206N - Hope House Chennai
J1207N - TICA School Ghana
J1210N - Masizame SA Aspire to Achieve Resilience
J1212N - Rise & Shine Community
J1213N - Growing Hope School Mozambique
J1214N - Educate Underprivileged kids of Ahmedabad
J1216N - Developing Excellence in Education Global
J1216NU - Developing Excellence in Education Uganda
J1217N - Empower HER Nepal
J1218N - Medical Van Project, India
J1220N - Happy Home Bhutan
J1221N - The Michie Foundation
J1221NR - ROKPA Support Network Zimbabwe
J1221NT - Twala Trust Animal Sanctuary Doggy Tuesday
J1221NW - Wild is Life Community Engagement Project
J1225N - Bethel Christian Preschool Vanuatu
J1226N - Friends of Kulen
J1227N - Until They Have a Home Kenya
J1228N - Hope for Children Rwanda
J1229N - Envoy Outreach Armenia
J1230N - Post-war Civilians Support Sri Lanka
J1232N - Empowering the Poor & Needy in Malaysia
J1233N - Project Phoenix
J1234N - Piglets for Cambodians
J1236N - RUHU Secondary School
J1237N - Child Haven Cambodia Daycare Centre
J1239N - Bezallel Champions Uganda
J1240N - Efata High School Timor
J156N - Children's Hope In Action
J189N - Banjara India
J190N - Ian Haynes Memorial Centre
J202 - Phaung Daw Oo Monastic School
J210 - Watoto Village Project
J224N - ACCN Kumi Cohad Project (Stage 2)
J251N - Grace Centre for Children
J254N - New Life Development Projects, India
J264N - Soe Home and Community Centre
J314N - HopeBuilders Uganda
J319N - Victory Development Initiatives
J334N - Australian Philippines Compassion Outreach International
J342N - GDG Crossroads Development Assistance Project
J342NB - Crossroads- Malcolm & Sally Begbie
J342NC - Crossroads- Clive Coombes
J342ND - Crossroads- David (DJ) & Elizabeth Begbie
J342NG - Crossroads- Matthew Gow
J342NK - Crossroads- Katey Kenworthy
J348N - New Hope Project Borneo
J352N - Fiji Preschools Development Project
J352NF - South Pacific Preschools (Fiji)
J357 - Joshua Care International, Philippines
J376N - Baan Fah Sighy Children’s Home
J377N - Effective Aid’s Refugee and Vulnerable People Program
J380N - Beyond Water
J386N - Mikameni Project
J396N - Kitale Family House of Hope
J416 - Neighbourhood Development Program, Uganda
J427N - Eagles Wings Zambia
J445N - Cambodia WASH and Community Transformation Project (Stage 2)
J445N.1 - Metamorphic Cambodia WASH
J489N - Oasis Africa Australia Development Project
J490N - Noble Endeavours Community Development Project
J514N - Shalom Community Development Projects
J515 - Awareness Cambodia
J519 - Center for Change
J519R - Centre for Change Typhoon Rai Relief
J537N - Heartland Centre for Learning and Children’s Rights
J540N - Encouragement House
J548N - Patient Care Ministry
J553N - COPE Laos
J555N - New Start Christian Academy, Zambia
J557N - Big Brother Mouse Village Literacy Program
J573N - Teacher Training PNG
J574N - Adopt a Prison Program
J586N - Afrika Tikkun
J587N - COAT Meng Lin Project
J594N - Speech Language Therapy in Vietnam
J595N - Ban Meata Community Program
J602B - Umoja BCP Renovation
J602N - The Umoja Centre
J607N - Little Sports Org Kenya
J614N - Fresh Hope for Families Philippines
J619N - New Hope Foundation, China
J624N - Team Vista Education Projects
J627N - Cambodia School Development Project
J634N - HFCA Capacity Building Initiatives, Cambodia
J651 - Kathputli Slum Community Project
J651SB - Helping Hands School Building
J655N - Botanica Ethiopia: A Living Pharmacy
J657N - BLOOM Asia
J658 - Focus Cambodia
J672N - The Rural Schools Education Project, Cambodia
J674N - KEP Gardens Community Project
J676N - Open Arms
J679N - Advocacy Through the Arts
J681N - Likamba Community Development Project
J684N - Northern Thailand Village Water Projects
J688N - Friends of St Francis Youth Life Skills Project
J696NG - Child Action Lanka
J698N - Kantolomba Development Project
J699N - Denpasar Community Development Project
J704N - Maranatha Health: high quality care & healthy communities
J710N - Vana Childcare Development Program
J717N - Kafika House: Transforming Childhood
J718 - Anak Anak Bali
J721N - Afri-Lift Development Project
J722N - Community Development Programme Nambikkai India
J727N - Kaliwesi Village Development Project
J728N - Empowerment through Education, Arequipa, Peru
J730N - AusHEAL Congo Project
J731N - Mexican Children's Development Project
J734N - NLF Education Training Centre
J735N - 'Forever Projects’; Nutrition, Empowerment and Independence
J738N - Education Program in Vanuatu
J738NR - LFTN Emergency Relief Project
J738NT - LFTN Turkey Emergency Relief Project
J739N - Gateway Children's Fund Development Project
J747N - IGF Community Development Project
J750N - Direct Reach Ethiopia
J751N - ICMC (Christian Mission Centre) Development Project
J757N - Sandra Jones Centre
J763N - Modern Vocational Training Program
J770N - The Tikvah Project
J773N - Care Development Project Indonesia
J778 - Grassroots Rwanda
J779N - HON Methodist Development Project
J780N - Eastern Cape Education Program
J782N - Les Pêcheurs Development Projects
J783N - Hearts for Africa - Amani
J786N - New Hope Education Initiatives
J788N - Kangaroo Mother Care
J789N - Restore One Cambodia Village Development
J791N - Kidsreach Development Project
J791NB - Kidsreach Building Project
J794 - Hope Education
J798 - Fruits of Hope Academy
J799N - Child Nutrition and Tuition Centre Project
J807N - WFP Emergency Relief Projects, Various Countries
J807NC - WFP DR Congo Emergency Relief
J807NL - WFP Lebanon Emergency Relief
J807NLY - J807NLY WFP Libya Emergency Relief
J807NM - WFP Madagascar Emergency Relief
J807NMW - WFP Malawi Emergency Relief
J807NP - WFP Pakistan Emergency Relief
J807NPS - WFP Palestine Emergency Feeding Program
J807NR - WFP Afghanistan Emergency Relief
J807NS - WFP Syria Emergency Relief
J807NSD - WFP Sudan Emergency Relief Appeal
J807NSL - WFP Sri Lanka Emergency Relief
J807NSO - WFP Somalia Emergency Relief
J807NT - WFP Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal
J807NU - WFP Ukraine Emergency Relief Appeal
J807NXC - WFP Caribbean Emergency Appeal Team
J807NY - WFP Yemen Emergency Relief
J812N - Living Water Myanmar
J818N - Hope Africa Life Development Project, South Africa
J819N - Children's Development and Education Project Bolivia
J819NA - Children's Development and Education Project, Various (Ami Schefe personal support)
J821N - Empowering Initiatives for Women, India
J824N - Youth Empowerment Tanzania
J829N - Another Life Community Development Project, Uganda
J833N - MCF Capacity Building and Community Empowerment
J836N - Madhipura Christian Hospital (EHA), India
J836NA - EHA Chinchpada Hospital Development Project
J836NF - EHA Palliative Care Service
J839N - Bulawayo Community Gardens - Building a Sustainable Future
J845N - Tandum Development Project
J847 - Empowering Cambodia Community Development Program
J851N - Give Kids Hope Training Centre
J858N - Project Justice International
J858NR - Rikky Murphy Personal Support
J860N - Community Empowerment Project, Zambia
J865N - The Widows Cause Development Project India
J867N - Christina Noble Children's Foundation Vietnam
J873N - Hope Global Training Centre
J874N - EduCare Project
J878N - CNCF Mongolia Project
J880N - Africa Community Transformation Program
J880N.1 - Metamorphic Uganda WASH
J882N - Be Educated Now
J886N - LIFT’s HIV/AIDS Education and Community Development
J888 - RCA Education and Community Development Project
J893N - Pygmy Child Care
J894N - Changing Nations Education Initiative
J900N - SurgicaLife Project
J901N - Save A Child Development Initiatives, Kenya
J902N - African Hearts, Uganda
J903N - Caring for Kiriwina Project
J905N - Empowering Initiatives for Women and Children Miraj
J906N - Restoring Precious Women
J908N - Seeds of Hope
J911N - YKS, YKG and YBP HIV Prevention Program
J911NG - Yaysan Kasih Globalindo, Jakarta (YKG)
J911NP - Yayasan Bali Peduli, Bali (YBP)
J911NS - Yayasan Kasih Suwitno, Jakarta (YKS)
J912N - New Hope for Cambodian Children
J916N - Cows for Cambodia
J919N - Empower Project Tanzania
J920N - Flame School Project
J925N - Birds Nest 365 (Foxglove)
J929N - The ARK: A New Beginning
J930N - Sanon Hospitality Training Restaurant
J932N - Landmine Clearing HeroRATS
J934N - Mt. Elgon Self-Help Community Project
J935N - Supporting Cambodia
J935NA - Transforming Cambodia- Wellspring Church
J935NE - Transforming Cambodia- USA
J939N - Kingdom Son’s Academy
J943N - Timpir Quality School
J944N - Grace Academy
J945N - African Bush Camps Community Empowerment
J946N - Laos Friends Paediatric Training
J949N - Growing Hope PJI
J951N - Happy Days Community Development
J952N - Africa Renewal Community Development
J953N - Ahavah Uganda
J954N - The Kisoro Project
J955N - Incubator for Refugee-led Organisations
J958N - Construction of Muna HiTech International School
J959N - Child Education and Community Development Against Trafficking
J959NB - Child Education and Community Development Against Trafficking (3 Angels Nepal)
J962N - Zenith School & Women's Clinics
J964 - Sand Dams Kitui
J965N - Bushfire Children's Future
J965NF - Bushfire Uganda Farming Project
J966N - ILM Safehouse
J967N - Wajoli Foundation
J968N - Philemon Academy Education and Expansion
J969N - Qhubeka Community Programs
J970N - Teacher Training in Northern Uganda
J972N - Goodbye Malaria
J974N - Fasai Home (Clear Skies House)
J975N - SCCO Education Andong
J976N - Arise Women's Training Turkey
J981N - Little Flower Education & Healthcare
J982N - Sri Lanka Displaced Children's Development Project
J984 - Pineapple Value Chain Development Kayunga
J986N - Buk Bilong Pikinini Literacy Outreach
J989N - Remexio Tertiary Student Support
J991N - Petal Girls High School
J992N - SISP Second Chances India
J993N - Bridge of Hope Indonesia
J993NA - Bridge of Hope Emergency Appeal
J996N - Bali Life Community Development
J997M - Child Education & Care Initiative, Indonesia
J997N - Child Education & Care Initiative, Indonesia (Stage 2)
J998N - Wisdom Project
J999N - Captivating Philippines - Stop Trafficking/Empower Women
B052N - Hands of Mercy
B055N - Project Sheba
B056N - Orr Shalom Children's Homes
B060N - MDRT Foundation
B064N - The Naomi Project
B064S - Project Manager Support
B066N - Hungary Community Transformation
B071N - Young Refugees Scout & Mentoring
B074N - Melody Tregenza Personal Support
B075N - Armed for Life Wellbeing
B088N - Janine Samuels Personal Support
Log-in access for donors under our older 'Clarety Solutions' credit card system.
Direct Deposit
Step 1: Direct Deposit tax deductible donations can be made to:
Commonwealth Bank Australia
Global Development Group
PayID: 57102400993
PayID Type: ABN
Pay ID is a more secure option that replaces the BSB and Account number but the process to set it up is the same as setting up a new payee bank account.
If you need assistance please contact us.
Reference: Project number & your last name (e.g. J050N Smith)
Step 2: Complete form below to send us your donation details
Tax deductible receipt sent within 14 days of donation processing
Direct Deposit
Step 1: Direct Deposit tax deductible donations can be made to:
Global Development Group Limited
ASB Business Focus Account
Reference: Project number & your last name (e.g. J050N Smith)
Step 2: Complete form below to send us your donation details
Tax deductible receipt sent within 14 days of donation processing
Direct Credit (Bank Transfer)
Step 1: Direct Deposit donations can be made to:
Account Name: Global Development Group SCIO
Bank: Virgin Money
Sort Code: 821107
Account Number: 50311233
International (IBAN): GB81CLYD82110750311233
Swift Code (BIC): CLYDGB21943
Reference: Project number & your last name (e.g. J050N Smith)
Step 2: Complete form below to send us your donation details
Online Bill Pay
Step 1: Online Bill Pay
Contact your own bank to arrange for Online Bill Pay to:
Global Development Group USA Inc.
4 Connor Court,
Bedford, Indiana USA 47421
The bank will mail a check to GDG USA in your name.
Make sure the bank includes the “J” number and Project name on the check along with your name and address.
The amount of the support can be:
i. a singular amount
ii. an amount taken out each month
Step 2: Email us your details when you begin using Online Bill Pay
Email address is: (just click this link to use our email template)
Your receipt will be sent to you by email (or regular mail if specified)
To donate to your preferred project by cheque and receive a tax deduction*
Step 1: Make your cheque payable to:
"Global Development Group: Project J###"
(where J### is your preferred project number)
Step 2: Write a Note with the following details:
The total of your donation (should match the cheque)
preferred project “J” number and project name
The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to,
Step 3: Post your cheque & Note together to:
Global Development Group
PO Box 651 Rochedale South QLD 4123
To support to your preferred project by check and receive a tax deduction:
Step 1: Make your check payable to "Global Development Group USA"
On Memo Line, put Project J### & Project Name.
(where J### is your preferred project number)
Step 2: Unless listed on your check enclose the following details:
Your email address (for receipting purposes only)
Preferred project name and “J” number
The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to,
Step 3: Post your check & information to:
Global Development Group USA Inc.
4 Connor Court, Bedford, Indiana USA 47421
To donate to your preferred project by cheque:
Step 1: Make your check payable to "Global Development Group Ltd"
On Memo Line, put Project J### & Project Name.
(where J### is your preferred project number)
Step 2: Unless listed on your cheque enclose the following details:
Your email address (for receipting purposes only)
Preferred project name and “J” number
The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to,
Step 3: Post your cheque & information to:
Global Development Group NZ
PO Box 10076,
Bayfair, Tauranga 3152
To donate to your preferred project by cheque:
Step 1: Make your check payable to "Global Development Group SCIO"
On Memo Line, put Project J### & Project Name.
(where J### is your preferred project number)
Step 2: Unless listed on your cheque enclose the following details:
Your email address (for receipting purposes only)
Preferred project name and “J” number
The name and address to mail (or email) the receipt to,
Step 3: Post your cheque & information to:
Global Development Group UK
1 The Meadows,