Page 17 - GDG Annual Report 2020 NZ_v3
P. 17
Safe Alternative Care
and Skills for Life
Global Development Group believes in the importance of
preserving the family unit and a child’s right to be raised
within their family wherever possible. Unfortunately, there Top Image: J751N students enjoying a meal break. Above: J519 students
are times when children are unable to remain in the with teacher in class.
care of their parents. In these situations which are often
temporary, our projects work to determine the best type
of alternative care to ensure the protection and rights of 2020 Project Outcomes
the child are upheld. Child-focused programs include
J751N ICMC Development Project expects to celebrate the
rehabilitation which is especially important for those who
graduations of 8 female students in final year of their Bachelor
have been living on the streets, and we prepare children
degree and 3 male students in their final semester of college
for reintegration to family or into independent living for
this year. GDG’s Jordan Brayley, Kelley Chisholm and David
older youth.
Robertson monitored the project in November 2019 and they
In the Philippines, project J519 Center for Change and found the farming activity to be progressing strongly towards
in southern India, J751N ICMC Development Project sustainability in rice, a key area of food expense for the project.
both provide alternative care with education, life skills,
vocational and employment pathways for vulnerable
children and youth. In addition to attending classes, J519 Centre for Change is working to improve follow up of
students participate in learning culturally relevant life children that have reintegrated to their families or homes.
skills including household chores, planting and harvesting Previously contact was maintained with the children via
coconut trees, growing vegetables and fruit trees together messenger and text. A government social worker assists, but
with raising pigs and chickens. These activities contribute this is inconsistent so the team has committed to improve
to sustainability in the projects and the children enjoy their practises and ensure the social worker visits to check on
learning both inside and outside the classroom. reintegrated children consistently.
Global Development Group NZ Annual Report 2020 17