Page 19 - GDG Annual Report 2020 NZ_v3
P. 19
Students participate in ‘Hamro Abhiyan’ education program in Nepal.
In Nepal, project J1000N Captivating Nepal – Stop Trafficking/ “School is the place where young people sow the
Empower Women is at the forefront of reforms to educate seeds of character. They start to develop their sense of
and empower communities against traffickers and corrupt duty towards the society they live in…they realize that
organisations exploiting women and children. it is their duty to fight human trafficking in society
by raising awareness against it…thus making the
A key initiative is the ‘Hamro Abhiyan’ educational program
community a better place for everyone.”
which is targeted to ages 13-35 years and often delivered
in partnership with schools. In ‘Hamro Abhiyan’ facilitators – Mr. Raj Adhikari, School Principal in Kaushaltar
discuss sensitive issues like causes of trafficking, its
consequences, bodily safety against trafficking, rehabilitation
after rescue and prevention against trafficking through
informative edutainment methodology. In October 2019 our COVID-19 has brought considerable hardship to families in
partner received the ‘Asian Leadership Award’ for the best idea Nepal, increasing vulnerability to trafficking and exploitation.
to prevent human-trafficking in Nepal. Utilising the radio station as a communication platform
and community hub, essential supplies have been collected
This year the project has seen 47 survivors of trafficking rescued
from local donors and delivered to the people in desperate
and 23 court cases take place. The project has established 5
need. A talkback radio show giving listeners a voice to share
booths and 5 help desks providing border monitoring and
their needs with local government officials has resulted in
booth operation across all provinces in strong coalition with
thousands of beneficiaries receiving further essential supplies
the government resulting in the interception of 5,116 women.
from their government offices, and the radio station has
The dedicated anti-human trafficking radio station reaches an
received the appreciation of both government officials and
estimated 5 million residents of Nepal with radio counselling,
anti-trafficking and health information.
Global Development Group NZ Annual Report 2020 19