Page 20 - GDG Annual Report 2020 NZ_v3
P. 20
Training and Mentoring
towards Youth Empowerment
Project J1033N provides skills training and job
opportunities for disadvantaged high school graduates.
Global Development Group projects aim to equip and Kelley Chisholm and Natalie Campbell monitored the project
empower individuals to break the poverty cycle and strive for and they heard that some of the groups have found it difficult
a better future. Despite COVID-19 impacts, two youth-focused to define a common shared goal, our in-country partner
projects in Cambodia and Tanzania have achieved positive is continuing mentorship of the groups to assist with the
results doing just that this year. decision-making process. Before COVID-19 caused the groups
to pause meetings we planned to start another 15 groups in
In Cambodia, J1033N Recruitment and Training of
2020, however this has been postponed to 2021.
Disadvantaged Youth recruits talented students who have
completed high school but cannot afford to go to university
for the work-study program. Skills training in business, English,
soft skills and technology precedes practice tasks simulated
on real-world business scenarios. The program’s graduates are
hired by the organization as associates and they divide their • 75 youth graduated in 2019 from
days between on-site training and tertiary education. They work Cambodia training with 36 employed as
on actual client projects mentored by experienced managers, associates and 16 employed externally.
some are promoted as managers and others move on to
rewarding careers elsewhere. During the COVID-19 shut downs
in Cambodia, the training moved online and associates worked • 9 new Self-Help Groups were formed
from home, enabling them to continue work and training.
with 107 new participants in Tanzania.
In Tanzania, J824N Youth Empowerment Project enables
street youth to escape poverty through Self-Help Groups,
mentorship and training programs. The Self-Help Group • 59 trainings completed with Self-Help
approach requires participants to work towards their own Groups in Tanzania.
development, necessitating an attitude change which is
empowering and transforms mindsets. In August 2019,
20 Annual Report 2020 Global Development Group NZ