Page 18 - GDG Annual Report 2020 NZ_v3
P. 18
Stopping the Traffick
In the countries where we work and across the globe, human Recognising that education is one of the most powerful
trafficking continues to impact the poor disproportionately. trafficking prevention tools, project J858 implements a range
Vulnerable children, youth and adults can be ensnared under of interconnected programs including vocational skills training
the promise of work or a better life only to find themselves and employment of vulnerable youth, school sponsorships
trapped in a web of sexual exploitation, have their bodies used and after-school tutoring, emergency relief initiatives, and
for organ trafficking or forced to work in terrible conditions as facilitating a football association.
slave labour.
In September 2019 the project hosted a Child Protection
The prevention of such abhorrent crimes and the rehabilitation Seminar with 60 local leaders over 3 days providing case
of survivors are a key focus for many of Global Development studies, educational material, data from police authorities, and
Group’s projects. methods to report suspicious behaviours. A further 55 children
and youth participated in the Trafficking Prevention Awareness
In Thailand, J858 Project Justice International is delivering
Youth Camp. Collaborating with Police and local authorities,
much-needed anti-trafficking education in vulnerable
successful investigation and operations have resulted in the
communities with the goal of preventing exploitation. Our
arrest of 10 perpetrators who were sexually exploiting children.
partners also act on information received to protect individuals
in immediate risk, and rehabilitate and restore survivors.
Somkiat Jakchee, in-country project manager for J858 delivers
anti-trafficking training in Thailand.
18 Annual Report 2020 Global Development Group NZ