Page 12 - GDG Annual Report 2020 NZ_v3
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Community Engagement Leads
to Improved Student Outcomes
CCF Leadership students visit grannies bringing food and support,
and they spend time learning traditional Khmer culture and customs
from the grannies.
Global Development Group and Cambodian Children’s Fund the COVID-19 pandemic with all schools closed from March
(CCF) have partnered since 2008. The J668 CCF Education and not scheduled to reopen until November. CCF provides
Program, currently in Stage 3 comprises 64 inter-connected hardcopy study packs and supports online learning for their
programs across six areas of Education, Leadership, Career and students. The important grade 9 and 12 exams have been
Life Skills, Childcare, Community Outreach and Health Care. postponed and CCF has provided all those students with
Currently over 1900 children are enrolled including nursery resources for online learning and set aside rooms for safe
and day-care and 93 grannies received support this year. study, with measures such as social distancing, and online
Building on a solid foundation, CCF have captured and
amplified the voice of their marginalised community through
facilitation of town hall meetings. By actively listening and 2020 Project Highlights
discussing plans, CCF have been able to implement strategies
that prioritise the children’s best interest. Most families in the • CCF grade 12 students achieved an 84% pass rate for the
community where CCF work experience extreme poverty. recent National Exam, compared to a 69% national average.
Their livelihood remains precarious and there is continued
• Of the first 200 CCF kids, 68% have gone on to university
pressure for children to earn money for the family. In an effort
and 100% are employed.
to ensure children don’t miss out on an education, CCF have
implemented food subsidy initiatives for school attendance as • 1512 participants joined CCF community education
a way to offset the loss in family income. These initiatives have campaigns on environment, drug abuse and human trafficking.
seen daily absenteeism rates continually below 4% since 2014.
• CCF’s university student body is 75% female (2019)
The current academic year has been severely disrupted due to compared to a national average of 32% (2016).
12 Annual Report 2020 Global Development Group NZ