Page 6 - GDG Annual Report 2023
P. 6

6 Annual Report  Global Development Group

Chairman’s Report 2023

David on a recent visit to the Philippines  Our team has resumed monitoring          Global Development Group has gone
projects J519 and J1074N.                   this year with an impressive 102         from strength to strength.
                                            projects visited, including eight
                                            projects on my trip to the Philippines   The global landscape of charity has
                                            in March 2023. I always enjoy            undergone significant changes since
                                            traveling with our monitoring teams      our beginnings. In recent years, there
                                            to visit projects and it is a privilege  has been a justifiable increase in
                                            to see first-hand the important          expectations for robust governance,
                                            work being done. A special memory        financial integrity and transparency.
                                            for me was seeing the smiles on so       The team has adapted to these
                                            many faces, despite their challenging    developments, consistently working
                                            circumstances.                           with our partners to meet and exceed
                                                                                     expectations. We have built a very
                                            However, this year, we’ve also seen      experienced team.
                                            multiple humanitarian disasters
                                            impacting vulnerable populations         As we look into the future, our
                                            including the war in Ukraine,            commitment lies in finding ways to
                                            earthquake in Turkey and Syria, civil    support our partners even more and
                                            unrest in DR Congo, cyclones in          the well-being of our team. With
                                            Vanuatu, ongoing unrest in Myanmar,      the knowledge and experience of
                                            Ethiopia and more. Our partners and      our project team and in-country
                                            donors have again responded very         representatives, we are well-placed
                                            quickly and generously to the needs.     to support partners in project design,
                                            Our in-country partners in these         evaluation, and in-country mentorship.
                                            countries step up to meet the human      We promote donor confidence
                                            needs, while Australian partners and     by upholding accountability and
                                            donors have generously met the           professional standards through effective
                                            financial challenges. Collaboration is   policy development, receipting,
                                            so important and effective.              and efficient international funds
                                                                                     disbursement. All providing assurance of
                                            In 2023, our projects have impacted      best practice and effectiveness. We will
                                            774,735 direct project participants      persist in seeking avenues to develop
                                            and 3,636,779 indirect project           our partners and systems, and to assist
                                            participants.                            all individuals involved, as we head into
                                                                                     the coming year.
                                            I’m honoured and excited to be
                                            stepping into my new role as CEO         Thank you for partnering with us.
                                            of Global Development Group and          By combining our skills and passion
                                            continuing the legacy that Geoff and I   to make a difference in the lives of
                                            began in 2002 when we founded GDG.       those most in need, together we are
                                                                                     achieving more.
                                            With over 20 years of professional
                                            collaboration, Geoff and I have always   Assoc Dip Bus Mgmt, CALU, AAII
                                            worked well together and thanks to       Board Chairman
                                            Geoff’s exceptional leadership,
                                            along with the management team,
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