Page 4 - GDG Annual Report 2023
P. 4

4 Annual Report  Global Development Group

Executive Director’s Report 2023

Geoff and Betty Armstrong                  As I reflect on the journey that we’ve   the transformative potential of synergy.
                                           taken since the beginnings of Global     By working together, we’ve achieved
Geoff and Betty Armstrong with             Development Group, I feel we have        more than we ever could alone.
David Robertson, Board Member, and         achieved our goals and much more.
International Representatives MV Thomas                                             As I step down from my role as
and Daniel Watts in 2011                   When we first set out in 2002, our       Executive Director, I am pleased to
                                           mission was driven by the desire to      announce the appointment of our
Geoff Armstrong and David Pearson          play our part in meeting the needs of    new leader, David Pearson. He brings
monitoring the J833 MCF Capacity Building  the poor and distressed in developing    a wealth of experience and a good
& Community Empowerment, Kenya             countries. Approved by the Australian    understanding of our organization,
project in 2008                            Foreign Minister and the Australian      having served as our Board Chairman
                                           Treasurer, we were able to offer         since the start of GDG and has held
                                           tax deductibility to our Australian      many senior management roles in his
                                           partners and donors. We also assisted    professional career. David is passionate
                                           partners by offering industry expertise  about what we do and has travelled
                                           in navigating Australian regulatory      with me and our monitoring teams
                                           obligations. Today, over 20 years later  many times. He has also participated
                                           with GDG offices in Australia, USA,      in our international conferences and
                                           New Zealand and this year GDG UK,        has met numerous partners at these
                                           we have seen significant growth          events. I have every confidence that
                                           and expanded the scope of our            under David’s capable guidance,
                                           expertise and contribution to valuable   GDG will continue to thrive and make
                                           partnerships and projects.               an even greater impact in the years
                                                                                    to come. As I remain on the board
                                           In these years, we have                  and part time in the business, I will
                                           seen over $470 million                   continue to support in any way I can.
                                           contributed to overseas aid
                                           & development projects,                  To all our partners, staff, and donors,
                                           impacting in excess of                   I thank you for your ongoing support.
                                           10 million participants,                 Together, we are building a better
                                           through 1,100 projects                   future for those who rely on our
                                           across 50 countries.                     compassion and generosity.

                                           I extend my thanks and appreciation      As I bid this season farewell, I do so
                                           to all those who have been a part of     with a heart full of gratitude and
                                           the GDG story so far, our partners,      optimism for the future.
                                           donors, boards, the management
                                           team and staff over all the years.       BSc, MBA, AFAMI, CMC, MAICD, MASQ
                                           Together, we have made a tangible        Executive Director
                                           impact on countless lives, providing
                                           hope, relief, and sustainable solutions
                                           to communities around the world.
                                           These achievements are a testament to
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